The EVB 4.3 v4 development board is produced by the Polish company And-Tech .
From the electronic schematic of the board:

and from the manual , we learn that the board mainly features the following components:

  • 40-pin Atmega microprocessor (16 /32 /644p );
  • an LCD - WC1602A0-SFYLYNC06 with 2 lines and 16 columns made with HD44780;
  • 8 LEDs with corresponding resistors of 180 ohms;
  • 5 buttons, without pull-down resistors, connected directly to ground;
  • socket for MMC/SD card;
  • infrared receiver TSOP4836 ;
  • EEPROM memory AT24C02 ;
  • real-time clock with PCF8583 ;
  • temperature sensor DS18B20 ;
  • two analog potentiometers;
  • 2 transistors that accept an output current of 1A each made with ULN2003A ;
  • 3 transistors that accept an output current of 500mA each made with ULN2003A ;
  • 4 seven-segment displays LFD056BSR-10 ;
  • USB port implemented with the FT232RL circuit;


Sanguino is developed open source by Kristian Sloth Lauszus and represents a third-party hardware add-on for the Arduino IDE.
In order to transform the EVB board into a Sanguino board, which can be programmed using the Arduino IDE, it is necessary to write the optiboot bootloader for the Atmega644p .
A modified programming software called EvB-ISP has been made available by the board's developer, which uses the capabilities of the FT232 circuit for programming the Atmega644P microcontroller.
The connections for programming the bootloader are described in the manual and are as follows:


For editing, compiling, and programming, we will install Visual Studio Code , and within it, we will install the PlatformIO IDE extension. In the end, our programming environment will look like the image below:

From the PlatformIO extension, we will install the necessary platform Atmel AVR and the libraries required for our projects.

The pin layout, to facilitate writing programs in the Sanguino/Arduino environment, beautifully drawn by Hans , is as follows: